From the website:
"Mercury retrograde gives rise to personal misunderstandings; flawed, disrupted, or delayed communications, negotiations and trade; glitches and breakdowns with phones, computers, cars, buses, and trains. And all of these problems usually arise because some crucial piece of information, or component, has gone astray or awry."
Here's my latest WTF? moment as I'm learning to knit. Take a look at this photo and tell me what's wrong with it.
Look a little closer...
I'm sure that seasoned knitters can spot it right away. As for this newbie, I was about 5 rows from the end when I noticed it wasn't quite right. Something was wrong with the stretch of the material and it looked a big off. Finally I figured it out - all my stitches are twisted. Actually, all my purl stitches are twisted. I was knitting and purling continental style (which I find to be faster and more comfortable) and I apparently wrapped my yarn the wrong way while purling. So what did I do? Rip it all out?
I couldn't do that because I already have a project I do have to rip out -- all the way down to the first big of blue near the center.
At first, the blanket was all wonky so I adjusted every other row to have a cluster stitch of 2dc - 2 ch - 2 dc instead of 3dc - 2 ch - 3dc every row like the pattern called for. I thought it was working great but then I laid it down to take a photo and here's what happened. It's got this weird bubble in the middle.
So - rip, rip, rip! Take it out! Start again!
And it was supposed to be done today for a baby shower. Oh well. It should be done in time before the little one's arrival.
Can I blame these problems on Mercury retrograde? Yes I can. And therefore, no new projects until after September 29th. Plus I have plenty of WIPs that need some attention. Since they are already started, I hope they continue as planned without this kind of craziness.