Friday, January 20, 2012

Completed Project: Lennon's Blanket

FINALLY!!! It's DONE!!!!

After missing 5 or 6 self-imposed deadlines, this blanket is finally done. It's bigger than a baby blanket for a good reason. The recipient is for "C's" new 4 year old grandson whose favorite color is green. Just because he joined the family at an older age doesn't mean he wasn't going to get his own blanket.

Lennon Blanket 01
It's Lion Brand Vanna's Choice Yarn made with a J hook. As always, all the details are on Ravelry.

It is so great finally completing this project - and it's going in the mail TODAY! Now I can start two other baby blankets before I have to start two more. What's in your queue for the New Year?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Road Trip

This year is off to a lovely start. I spent a wonderful weekend in Virginia with my chosen sister, Perches. Her new home is so delightful and welcoming, especially the backyard. Seamus was over the moon as he ran around the fenced backyard in the lush green grass. Some unpacking was completed, a cabinet or two organized, and so much food was enjoyed. 

I baked a cheesecake and a strawberry-cherry pie for Perches and her boys. Here's the pie, prebaked.

Cherry Strawberry Pie

That's a homemade crust, a recipe I learned from my DH's awesome grandmother. I'm happy to report that the pie turned out delicious, even for breakfast.

No additional photos to share because sometimes you have to live life as it happens rather than trying to photo-document it all. Other times you're too busy eating steak and cheesecake to remember to take photos of anything.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Year of Lovely Things 2012

The new list is up and I've already crossed off a couple of items. No photos of the banana cream pie I made over the weekend as I was not happy with the consistency of the custard. Luckily, the custard's flavor was wonderful and the crust of the pie was spot on.

I'm looking forward to move loveliness throughout the year! My first fondant and gum paste class is this week. Yay!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Year of Lovely Things 2011 - Recap

Many a lovely thing was experienced and accomplished in 2011. Below is the list showing I got to cross of 44 of 52 lovely things. If there was a post about an item, I included a link. For those other 8 items (in red), some may return on the 2012 list.

a small sewing project | a decorated cake | a gingerbread house | pies | craft swap gifties | reindeer candy canes | a "window" for my new office | mead | butternut bisque | a new appetizer recipe | a new entree recipe | a new dessert recipe | a playlist for the iPod

the new job | my birthday | Sean's birthday | our anniversary | a full moon | a solstice or equinox | freedom from the cast!

manicure | pedicure | bubble bath | facial

Knit and Crochet Show in Minnesota | Wisconsin to see family | MS&W | NC to see "C" and "D" | plan a mini-vacation | Red Sox game | renaissance festival | weekend on the Eastern shore

attend a concert | plant an herb garden | stare at the stars on a warm spring evening | take a crafty class | send snail mail | Skype with friends | organize the yarn cabinet | visit a not-previously visited LYS in Maryland/DC/Virginia | go to a museum | have family dinner | host/attend a movie-a-thon | take a mental health day | enjoy a snow day | take silly photos | try a new restaurant

to charity (a project, donations, or money) | blankets to my Girls | blankets, hats, etc to all the new babies

Friday, January 6, 2012

Emerging from the Shadows

Happy New Year, everybody!

It was a busy autumn and holiday season, hence the long hiatus from the blog. I wasn't as crafty as I had hoped to be during that time and I wasn't inspired to blog about much. I did think about it - and I tried to come up with some posts; but I blog for fun and when it isn't fun, I don't blog.

But the new year is upon us and with it, there seems to be some frenzied crafty energy swirling around me. Have you felt it, too? Here's how it has been affecting me:
  • A project that was stalled on progress, regardless of the work and time put into it, now seems to be crocheting itself.
  • I learned in December I've got three more friends expecting which brings the new baby blanket count for 2012 to four - one in February, one in March, and two in June.
  • In one day, I was able to find the perfect patterns and the purchase the perfect yarns for the first two blankets. The yarn arrived just three days later and it is now patiently waiting in the craft room.
  • In just the past few days, I've found three crafty classes to take during the first half of the year.
  • I've already written my list for the Year of Lovely Things 2012 (thanks to Perches who has also found her way back to the blogosphere)
  • The enthusiasm to blog has returned!

Let's hope this crafty energy sticks around for a while!