Sunday, June 26, 2011

Successful Shenanigans

Where to begin...and what to post... about the epic events of Sheep and Shenanigans Weekend 2011...

Too much fun was had by all, the details of which would take up tens of thousands of words here on the blog. Instead, just a few photos from the sheep dog demonstration to share...


No yarn purchases for me again this year, though I couldn't resist a purple lamb stuffed with lavender...


...and two more mead kits from The Bee Folks.


And I received a wonderful gift from the Queen - titled, "Moonstruck".


There was also plenty of food and drink and fun with mustaches...


There was also lots of creativity that didn't involve yarn...


At the end of the fabulous weekend together, everyone was as tired and happy as this little guy...


Who knows what next year will be like - or even where next year will be. There's been talk of moving the shenanigans to another location or another time of year. Regardless of when it is or where it is, I have no doubt it will be EPIC!

1 comment:

La said...

It was a blast, as always. :)