Sunday, April 3, 2011

Completed Project: Perches' Socks

Ten months in the making - and finally, one of the three blankets is done!

Perches Blanket 01
Perchest Blanket 02

As always, details on Ravelry.

So why the title? Because Perches requested a pair of socks instead of a blanket, thinking the blanket would be too much work. I'll make her socks someday, but this year it was to be blankets for my girls. I've got two more blankets to finish - 3 skeins a piece to crochet. There's a comfy chair in the craft room with my name on it.


La said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's 1665 yards of pure love. Amaaazing!! You are a goddess with a crochet hook, and I love you to pieces. :)