It's looking like it will be quite a lovely weekend. Not weather wise - the hot and humid is still lingering - but lovely activities are on the agenda.
donate to charity
send snail mail letters
try Tai-chi
make lasagna
sit on the balcony, stare at the stars and drink some wine
Sounds absolutely lovely.
What are you doing this weekend?
I will be hanging with The Boy, going to a Primus concert, baking bread, playing settlers of Catan, and sleeping late. lol!
Way back when I tried Tai Chi...the slowness made me crunchy and I gave up. I'm way too NY for Tai Chi. LOL! I hope it goes better for you!
Sounds like a truly lovely weekend, Queenie!
I'm hoping the Tai Chi thing works for me, too. Yoga was never my thing - I worried too much about the poses being right. So I'm hoping the Tai Chi is a bit easier to figure out. If not, I'll just have to do some Wii hula-hooping. :)
Big Red!!! That was so you would know who this is... I will be cleaning cleaning and cleaning some more... and maybe starting new artwork :)
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