This one is called "Froggy love Daddy? Daddy love Froggy!" from the movie "Blazing Saddles". (Thanks for Sean for the name.)

And here's a watermelon. No fun title for this one yet.

I'm still working on writing up the ladybug pattern so these patterns are also waiting to be written. I have a set of three (related theme) coasters I also need to finish making, writing up the pattern, and photographing. I'm hoping to get some coupons for Joann's because I need some different color cotton yarn to finish those.
So here's the question - would you be willing to buy the pattern to make these? What would a good price be? Think of y'all as being my little focus group for marketing Crocheting Commuter designs and wares. And thanks in advance!
I love all the coasters! I may have to take up drinking multiple beverages so I can make and use all these beautiful things!
As for price, depending on what's involved, I've seen e-patterns anywhere from $4 to $9. Check on etsy and ravelry and then set a price. Whatever it is I'll be buying one!
LOL! As if - you have to be one of my testers...and testers get free patterns! :)
I love the creative coasters you've been making. The frog one reminds me of Kermit. :)
To pass along a little piece of advice that my CGOA mentor gave to me that someone in the field gave to her, "Never sell one of your patterns for less that $4!" Of course, the price is totally up to the designer. Only you know what it took to write the pattern.
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