Monday, October 12, 2009

"One of these things is not like the other..."


Do you love this skull mug as much as I do? I picked it up at Annapolis Pottery. It has beautiful blue hues around the outside and a greenish blue color blend on the inside. I really wanted to take it to work so I could sip my coffee from it during the dreadful staff meeting but I don't think my co-workers would get it. They think I'm crazy as it is.


The Queen of the Snow Cows said...

That really is the coolest mug! I love it. Plus if you're going to bring it to work I would do it after Samhain. I think maximum weirdness would be to drink out of it during the Thanksgiving/Christmas time of year! LOL!

perchesinthesoul said...

oh, i love the idea of the staff meeting mug. it would be a great Monday staff meeting mug, giving the unspoken message, "don't talk to me until tomorrow. seriously."

the mistress said...

I LOVE IT! I know that's shocking. You have to take it to work. Perches has the right idea. =p

Sam said...

Perhaps I'll bring it for tomorrow's meeting and report back to you. Should be interesting...