Saturday, August 25, 2007


I've finished the whole Harry Potter series and wow! It was great! No spoilers or discussions here though - there are too many sites devoted to that already.

As for the subject of my post, that's where I'm at right now. Stalled on numerous projects, devoid of creativity as of late. I think it has something to do with the weather. It was wonderfully cool the beginning of the week, a hint of fall weather in August. Then yesterday the humidity and heat returned to remind us all what summer in DC is all about.

Or perhaps it has something to do with the impending move (for which we still don't have a closing date) and my continued search for a job (or should I say the task of picking the right offer). Since nothing is settled, I can't seem to concentrate on one particular project or think up anything fun and exciting to start. I did pull out my Stitch n' Bitch book last night to try and re-teach myself to knit but the book sat unopened next to me while we were watching baseball.

Inspiration - where are you? Creativity - where have you gone?

Alright - enough with the melodrama. Maybe I just need a cup of coffee to get this day started.

Stay tuned for something exciting! (I hope.)

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