Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mid-year Review: 2010 Crafty Resolutions

Time to check my progress and update some items on my 2010 Crafty Resolution list.

1) Catalog all current UFOs from past years - decide what to frog, what to finish and what to throw out

This happened - yay! - so now all that I have on my hooks and needles are current, going-to-be-finished projects. The only downside is that there are soooo many going-to-be-finished projects for the rest of the year.

Let's see what will and will not get done this year as planned and what has been added to the list.

2) Projects for 2010:
This probably isn't going to happen in 2010 given the other projects I'm working on. But I'm still very happy to have kit.
  • Three baby blankets using the same pattern but different color combinations
Completed! See 1, 2 and 3. I've even started a fourth baby blanket with the same pattern.
Added to the list are blankets for the Mistress and for Perches. (I know, Perches, you wanted socks. But you so coveted the blanket at MS&W that I'm making you your own. You can have socks next year.) All three blankets are started and underway. I knew I'd have to make them at the same time, adding only 1 or 2 skeins per blanket then switching to another blanket so that I didn't finish one and then not want to work on the others.
It went from being a gift for her summer birthday to being a gift for Christmas. I should be able to get it done.
  • Make at least 3 pairs of socks
One pair is done - the blue socks for Sean. I've got plans for two other pairs, one as a Christmas gift and one for myself. I've got hope for both pairs since the blankets I'm making will be too large to take with me during my commute. The sock projects are much more portable.


3) Get serious about starting side business, to include:
  • Create own web site
I changed the blog address to reflect the new name. I decided against having to pay for a domain name right now given the free stuff out there, like Blogger.
  • Get a business plan in order
Planned, written, and working on it.

  • Open an Etsy shop
  • Create some inventory for the shop
Opened but nothing in there at the moment. I doubt I'll have anything there by the end of the year.
  • Add new patterns to my Ravelry shop
While I've jotted down a bunch of ideas, new patterns have not yet been written.
The Sheep and Shenanigans shirts do count - though they were made for me to buy. I'm sure I can come up with a few ideas to add before the end of the year.

4) Join the crochet guild or knitting guild or something

In March, I joined the CGOA. I'm planning to join the knitting guild in the next couple of years after I get my crochet career on track.


5) Fiber Traveling
  • Go to MS&W 2010
Awesome, as always.

  • Go to another fiber festival besides MS&W. Virginia? Rhinebeck? Stitches?
This one is still up in the air. Perches - when is the festival near your house?

  • Check out TNNA (if I can)
I found out I could not attend since I was not a professional. But - I just applied to become an associate crochet professional through CGOA. I'm hoping this will be my ticket to be able to attend TNNA next year.

Done and done. And I can't wait to go again next year.


6) Take a crafty class - cake decorating (final class), sewing, knitting, spinning, painting, sculpture - something! Could also count if I take a class at an LYS or at a conference

My attendance at the Professional Development Day could count toward this. I'll mark it off twice by completing the CGOA Masters Course, which I hope to finish by the end of August.

I am very happy with my resolution progress to date! I'm also very excited at what the rest of the year will bring. How is your year coming along? Please share your triumphs and successes in the comments.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the fall fiber festival is oct 3 &4 this year, at montpelier