Sunday, May 27, 2007

New Project: Ohio Star Variant Quilt

Oh, what have I gotten myself into....

My major Christmas project has begun - and I'm going to need every bit of time I have between now and December to finish it.

The Ohio Star Variant Quilt is a crocheted quilt. It consists of many, many, many little crocheted squares that are joined together like pieces of a fabric quilt would be. The squares measure approximately 2 1/2" - aren't they cute?

Very cute, indeed. But how cute are 1200 of these little squares going to be?

Yes - I said 1200.

Here's the design:

Here are the colors I'm using:

Lion Brand's Wool-Ease in
  • Fisherman (instead of white)
  • Cranberry (instead of red)
  • Avocado (instead of blue)

I'm going to keep track of my progress on the side bar. As the photo shows above, I have 20 red squares and 5 green squares made - but I'm not counting a square as finished until I weave in the ends. I don't want to leave all the weaving until last - that would be wholly depressing to sit down and have to weave the ends of 1200 squares. So it's a bit of motivation to weave as I go so I can mark a square as being complete.

A bonus of this project is that the squares work up quickly and at this stage, it is very easy to work on this during my commute. Once I get to joining squares and finishing up the entire thing, then it will be a home based project. But right now - it's perfect for commuting.

If you're interested in making your own crocheted quilt, the Happy Yellow House has many other designs from which to choose.

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